【SpringMVC】SpringMVC Source Code - Running Process
After reading the passage above, I feel more confused about how SpringMVC runs, what HandlerMapping is, what differences between HandlerMapping and HandlerAdapter, etc. Talk is cheap, so let’s dive into the source code to make it clear.
In order to understand the running process of SpringMVC through source code reading, we are gonna build a SpringMVC project using IDEA firstly.
Environment & Tools
IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 (Ultimate Edition), JRE: 1.8, maven 3.6, SpringBoot 2.0.5.RELEASE,
build a SpringMVC project
download the project: git clone https://github.com/spring-guides/gs-serving-web-content.git
open in IDEA: complete is the whole project, while initial is only the framework
run the project
visit http://localhost:8080/greeting
in browser, succeed
source code reading in debug mode
rerun the project in debug mode
download the source code and start from DispatcherServlet
if failed downloading, try mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=sources
in terminal
from the comment, we can easily get to know that doDispatch() process the actual dispatching to the handler
so after setting a breakpoint in doDispatch()
and visit http://localhost:8080/greeting
in the browser, we get to this
then we skip over to the method getHandler()
and skip into it
it iterates the list of HandlerMapping
and get a handler in type of HandlerExecutionChain
then we come to getHandlerAdapter()
again, it iterates the list of HandlerAdapter
and get a HandlerAdapter
run some preHandle with interceptors.preHandle()
invoke the handler through HandlerAdapter
, and get ModelAndView
run some postHandle with interceptors.postHandle()
then we come to processDispatchResult()
it iterates the list of ViewResolver
and get a view
In conclusion, when we post a request, it will be intercepted and handled by DispatcherServlet
in doDispatch() method. Then it iterates List<HandlerMapping> handlerMappings
to get HandlerExecutionChain handler
, which is where the controller belongs to. Then it iterates List<HandlerAdapter> handlerAdapters
to get HandlerAdapter ha
, which is used to execute the controller we define. Then run HandlerInterceptor[] interceptors.preHandle()
, execute HandlerExecutionChain handler
through HandlerAdapter ha
and get ModelAndView mv
, run HandlerInterceptor[] interceptors.postHandle()
. Finally, it iterates List<ViewResolver> viewResolvers
to render ModelAndView mv
官网-Serving Web Content with Spring MVC
IDEA建立Spring MVC Hello World 详细入门教程
idea 无法下载依赖包的source,使用maven下载source
Q: What is these: multipart resolver, HandlerMapping, HandlerExecutionChain, HandlerAdapter, ModelAndView?
Q: Why do we use HandlerAdapter ha
to execute HandlerExecutionChain handler
A: I guess it relates to the Adapter Design Pattern
, and for scalability.